The Climactic Showdown in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part Three Could Surprise Players
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Both FF7 Remake and FF7 Rebirth have taken liberties with the original narrative, offering a fresh retelling rather than a direct remake. This approach has its pros and cons. On the positive side, fans get to delve deeper into the FF7 universe, incorporating new characters from the expanded lore. However, some elements, such as the side quests in FF7 Rebirth, may feel a bit too familiar.
Despite the various actions taken by Cloud and his team, Sephiroth has remained a constant, serving as the ultimate challenge in the original game and the two preceding chapters of the remake. While confronting Sephiroth again would not be unwelcome, the trilogy could benefit from diversifying its climactic encounters, moving away from the extensive battles against Sephiroth that have concluded the previous games. There are compelling reasons to believe that FF7 Remake Part Three might offer a different type of finale.
Anticipating a New Final Challenge in FF7 Remake Part Three
The narrative alterations seen in the trilogy imply that FF7 Remake Part Three could diverge from the expectation of Sephiroth as the final challenge. The remake trilogy has shown a readiness to modify the original story, suggesting the possibility of a different culmination. FF7 Remake introduces new themes, like combatting destiny, alongside the environmental message of the original. To resolve these themes effectively, a different ending may be necessary.
The rule of three, a storytelling principle, suggests that a series of three events is more satisfying and impactful, particularly if the third event differs from the first two. This principle could make changing the final adversary in FF7 Remake Part Three particularly effective. Players might anticipate a third encounter with Sephiroth, based on their experiences with the original FF7 or the remake's first two entries. A surprise twist would resonate with fans old and new alike, emphasizing the trilogy's broader message about shaping one's own destiny.
While players are likely to face Sephiroth in the concluding chapters of FF7 Remake Part Three, the significant story modifications to the original narrative have involved adding rather than removing elements. It seems improbable that Sephiroth would vanish before the final clash or undergo a sudden change of heart. Yet, given the overarching themes of challenging fate and altering history, a more significant force could be at work.
Pondering Alternatives for FF7 Remake Part Three's Ultimate Confrontation
The ultimate confrontation in FF7 Remake Part Three could be with a force orchestrating the timeline, ensuring that the canonical events of FF7 unfold as they always have. It's unlikely that Sephiroth is behind this, as he is ultimately defeated in the original narrative. Therefore, the final adversary could be whoever is behind the Whispers and manipulating events, or perhaps even the embodiment of fate itself, especially if the ending diverges significantly from the original game's conclusion.
Other possibilities for the final adversary include repercussions from the dimensional travel undertaken by Cloud, Zack, and Aerith at the end of FF7 Rebirth, which could result in paradoxes and anomalies. This unseen force might be the ultimate challenge in FF7 Remake Part Three, a monstrous, interdimensional entity born from the alterations to FF7's established events.
Another scenario might take place in Aerith and Zack's alternate universe, with the final confrontation being against a threat to their newfound freedom. Since Avalanche's battle seems to have been curtailed in that reality, the ultimate challenge could involve figures associated with Shinra, ensuring a conclusion where both worlds are liberated from Shinra's dominance and Sephiroth's malice.
Alternatively, the final adversary could be Meteor, the catastrophic magic unleashed by Sephiroth to bring ruin to the planet. The endgame could see Cloud and his allies summon Holy with the White Materia to counter Meteor, transforming what was once a cinematic sequence into a playable, epic confrontation reminiscent of the Eikon battles in Final Fantasy 16. The battle might unfold within the Lifestream, similar to the dimension-hopping sequences witnessed in Rebirth, with the team defending against a smaller manifestation of Meteor to allow Aerith space to amplify Holy's power.
In the end, the identity of FF7 Remake Part Three's final adversary remains a mystery. While there are many reasons to expect a departure from tradition, the game could also opt for the familiar showdown with Sephiroth. However, playing it safe is not characteristic of the remake trilogy. Fans will only discover the truth with the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part Three.